A new Westwood Road Map leads us as a community of members, committees and ministries, church council, and staff to envision the next five years (beginning in 2024). The road map guides Westwood to living out our mission and vision. We can collaboratively define goals and objectives to position the organization for transformation and growth.
Learn about why members, the council, and staff are excited about the new road map in this video. This is part of a larger collection of Westwood videos in a series called "THIS MATTERS."
The process was extensive, spanning over ten months in 2023. The Westwood Council did due diligence by listening and learning from people inside and outside of Westwood.
The process included:
Listening sessions in homes with members.
Hosting outside community members on speaking panels.
A congregational questionnaire.
Recommendations from the Properties and Financial Management teams.
A council retreat laying out all the information gathered over ten months.
The five key areas are:
1) Individual Vocation
2) Communal Vocation
3) Financial Development & Management
4) Our Campus
5) Our Organization
The next steps include the staff and lay teams establishing annual action plans to meet these goals and objectives.
Each focus area has one goal and two or three objectives. Here are the five goals listed below. Further information, including objectives, can be found in the December 2023 town hall presentation.
Individual Vocation goal is to foster authentic community and
relationships among congregants, supporting each other’s faith
formation and vocations as disciples of Christ.
Communal Vocation goal is to serve as a catalyst for a connected
and thriving community and world in alignment with our core
values and vocations as disciples of Christ.
Financial Development & Management goal is to cultivate a vibrant
culture of generosity, deeply rooted in our faith, by strategically
connecting spiritual values, financial management, and diverse
areas of giving. Our focus is on sustaining the well-being of
Westwood Lutheran Church and a thriving community.
Our Campus goal is to enhance our campus as a spiritual,
sustainable, inclusive, and safe community hub dedicated to
fostering a healthy and welcoming environment for all.
Our Organization goal is to cultivate a joyful, inclusive, and
courageous organizational culture that maximizes the gifts of all
leaders, lay and staff, empowering all to be active and engaged in alignment with Westwood’s mission and vision.
Detailed information on the Westwood Road Map includes the town hall video and presentation from Dec. 2023, along with the overview brochure. If you have specific questions, please get in touch with a pastor or council member.
Click the presentation to see all the slides.

Click on the video to watch the recording.
Click on the images below to see each page in full.