Whether it's ongoing Women's Circles, Bible Studies, Men's groups, Young Adult Brunches, or activities for Seniors, Westwood has many opportunities for growing spiritually and for building relationships with others connected to Westwood.
We invite you to check out the opportunities below and join us in building a stronger community.
Men's Bible and Theological Discussion Group
Always open and welcoming new members. This group meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 9 AM in LL103 for prayers, support and group discussion.
Contact: Craig Halverson
Mom's Connect
We are a group of moms with kids from newborn through high school. We meet monthly in different locations. Read eNews for dates and locations.
Westwood Sailing Ministry

A yearly trip set in and around the amazing 22 islands and 6 lighthouses of Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, Lake Superior. The trip includes sailing (and learning how), morning and evening devotions, hiking and enjoying the great outdoors, and is a great way to make new friends. The trip is run by certified Westwood skippers on beautiful boats that sleep 6-8 people. Open to all ages, but you must be agile and adventurous!
Contact: Pastor Tania Haber
Westwood Canoeing Ministry
The Westwood paddlers head into the Boundary Waters once or twice a year to travel the lakes, rivers and portages of this amazing wilderness area. All levels of camping and canoeing experience are welcome. Food and gear is included—participants just bring good outdoor clothes. It's like the Sailing Ministry, but without the sails and with more mosquitoes.
Contact: Pastor Jason Van Hunnik
History Book Club
Members of this group pick a book to read, prepare discussion questions and bring a snack for an assigned month. This group meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 PM in the Library (except in December).
Contact: Craig Halverson
Theology on Tap
This group is open to anyone over 21 interested in fellowship and beer. We try to meet as a group when there is a Westwood small group session going on in the fall, but we also just randomly brew beer together! Reach out to the group leaders to see when we plan on meeting next! Cheers!
Contact: John Stark
Contact: Keith Berquist
Caring Response Team
We provide weekly phone calls, greeting cards, and support to those in the midst of a life transition, crisis, or celebration. For more information how you can serve on this team contact one of our leaders below.
Contact: Anne Fideldy 763-559-1241
Contact: Jan Sellman 612-518-4541
Elder Wisdom
This ministry pairs Elders of Westwood with young confirmands in Grades 8 and 9 to share their faith stories in both life stages. It is a one-hour, one-time commitment, though many relationships have continued past the initial meeting.
Please contact Dannica Olsen to be involved in this dynamic ministry.
Lay Visitation Team
This team serves as a part of our congregational care team providing monthly visits and communion to our homebound members or those in long term care facilities.
For interest in joining this team, contact Sara Moran.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Members of this team pray while knitting or crocheting shawls for the newly baptized or those needing comfort and connection due to life circumstances. Join for a quarterly gathering.
​Please contact the church office 952-545-5623 or Sara Moran 952-767-5568 if you would like to gift a prayer shawl to someone in your life who is ill or going through a difficult time and would find comfort being wrapped in prayer with a shawl.
For interest in joining this team, contact Sara Moran.
Prayer Team
Westwood's Prayer Team aims to build up the Body of Christ through prayers of celebration, thanksgiving, healing, expectant families, sympathy, or other needs of individuals.
Prayer requests may be submitted to the church office at 952-545-5623, or via email at
If you would like to join the prayer team, contact Sara Moran.
Holiday Fair

Holiday Fair is a yearly sale of homemade baked goods, crafts and gently used items plus a silent auction to raise funds supporting Westwood’s mission of outreach within the community and worldwide. You can find details here.
This is an intergenerational, church-wide effort that always needs willing hands. Reach out to Margo Chesley to volunteer your time (and meet and work with a great team), or if interested in baking, crafting or sharing your skills in other ways.
Women's Circles
Westwood has a variety of Circles for connecting with other women and growing in your faith. We are always open to new members.
Faithfully Velkommen
We are a small-group that has met for years to do Bible study and enjoy our time together.​
Contact: Sara Moran
Faithfully Velkommen circle meets the 1st Monday of every month from 1-3 PM at Westwood.
Grace Circle
Join us for Bible Study, meetings, and service project planning. In September, December, and May we start with a luncheon. Grace Circle is part of the Holiday Fair Fundraiser: the Country Store, which is organized by this circle. We also assemble Laundry of Love Kits and Newborn Kits for Global Health Ministries.
Contact: Kay Elliasen​
Grace Circle meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month of Sept-May at 12:30 PM at Westwood.
Joy Circle
Joy Circle came together in 1982 as a result of gathering women who had been members of Westwood for two years or less, which still has some of its original members! We meet in homes of members and have been highly involved with Holiday Fair, most recently hosting the Chocolate Booth for about the past five years. ​
Contact: Susie Fjelstad
Joy Circle meets the 3rd Monday of every month at 7 PM Offsite
Ruth Circle
We welcome new members and to participate in bible study. We currently have 12-15 members and we meet in the homes of members.​
Contact: Carol Dorphy
Ruth Circle meets the 2nd Monday of the month of Sept-May from 7-9 PM Offsite
Young Adults
Westwood has a vibrant group of young adults in their 20s and 30s who meet regularly throughout the year. We gather for brunch, service projects, connecting with young adults in the community and at other churches, and more! We'd love to have you join us. All events are open to anyone who considers themselves a young adult.