Our ministries across the first decades of life are uniquely designed for the time we live in, both helping to strengthen all forms of family as well as the importance of younger voices in the life of the church. Our goal is for our children and youth to continue to grow and participate in their vocation and in their relationship with God, others, themselves and their world.
Parents are the most important adults in their child’s faith life. (See the National Study on Youth and Religion for more detail).
God is active in every part of your family life, from changing a diaper to going off to college.
Each age has a unique way of connecting to God and living out their faith.
Being in community is a gift from God and is an important part of our faith lives.
Baptismal promises shape our life together.

Sundays at 9a & 11a Worship
Kid-Style Faith-Talk
Preschool-5th grade: Families start in worship, and kids are invited to leave with their group leaders after the children's sermon. Kids return to worship after the prayers of the people and participate in the rest of the service.
The Message offers families a time to worship together and a time for kids to dig into faith talks, music, and activities with their friends during the sermon.
Preschool (3, 4, 5 yr.) Lower Level 203
Grades K-3- Youth Room
Grades 4-5- Lower Level 201
Register your child(ren) for activities; scholarships are available. All are welcome!

Wednesday evenings (September-April):
Community Meal and Family Fellowship (new!)
5-6:30 pm in Good Shepherd Hall
Dinner is served! Start your Wednesday evening's off with a Community Meal. We encourage our families to sit together in Good Shepherd Hall. We proved a place for families to connect and a weekly self-led activity. Goodwill donations help this outreach ministry serve our neighbors. We're always looking for volunteers to help out with several tasks throughout the evening. For more information on volunteering as well as the menu, click the buttons below.
Faithful Families
5:45-6:05 pm in the Fireside Room
Come as a family to enjoy activities and service projects that spark God-talk. We gather together to grow faithful families through bible stories, interactive prayers, music, and rituals. Pastors serve open communion once a month and all are welcome to join in God's meal of grace.
Register your child(ren) for activities; scholarships are available. All are welcome!

6-8th Grade Wednesday Night Faith Activities & Groups (September-May)
At Westwood Lutheran Church we look to continue to connect youth in their faith journey in meaningful study, through relationships and friendships. We are committed to programming that includes fellowship, worship, study, service, and fun!
6th Grade Pre-Confirmation
Wednesdays (October-May) 6:15-7:15 pm
​6th grade Pre-Confirmation works with big questions such as: Who wrote the Bible, God or humans? Is God male? Is it ok to be angry at God?
Grades 7, 8, 9 Parent/Student Learning and LAB (Learning And Belonging)
Wednesdays (October-May)
In Parent/Student Learning, each age group has a time to learn from the pastors. Parents attend class alongside their students.
6:30 Worship
7:15​ Parent/Student Learning
9th - 1st Wed. of the month
8th - 2nd Wed. of the month
7th - 3rd Wed. of the month​​
7:15 LAB - Confirmation students attend the weeks they do not have Parent/Student Learning
Register your child(ren) for activities; scholarships are available. All are welcome!

7-9th Grade Confirmation & Intergenerational Learning
Confirmation starts with Westwood U, where people of all ages can gather for education, faith development, and growth.
Kids, parents, grandparents, friends...everyone is invited!
The purpose of confirmation in this way is to move beyond education and toward transformation. Westwood U is a way to create an ecosystem of lifelong faith formation at Westwood. We believe our hearts and hands must accompany our heads on our faith journeys. This model creates opportunities for faith exploration through the life experiences of multiple generations, understanding that the content of faith has no traction outside of faith-based relationships.
Westwood U offers flexibility in choosing study topics and class times, as well as intergenerational learning and growth.
Click below to see the catalog and register.

9-12th Grade Wednesday Night Faith Activities & Groups (October-May) 7:30p-8:30p
At Westwood Lutheran Church we look to connect young people through relationships by including faith into everyday life. Our philosophy of youth ministry is to engage young people as well as adults in ways that include depth and perspective on how we live as Christians in this world. We are committed to programming that includes fellowship, worship, study, service and fun!
YOUTHERANS (aka Senior High Youth Group)
​Join us weekly to engage in meaningful relationships, conversations, study and fun! (Wednesdays, October-May)
For more information about High School ministries & events contact
Alison Broman, Children, Youth and Family Coordinator
Register your child(ren) for activities; scholarships are available. All are welcome!
Vacation Bible School
True North Vacation Bible School
Open to campers 3 years old (potty trained) through entering sixth grade! Join us Monday, June 9-Thursday, June 12 from 9:00am-12:00 pm, with an optional add-on Lunch Bunch until 1:00pm. More information and registration, here! Space is limited, registration closes May 31 or when full.
​Camp Wapo
There are multiple options for Westwood kids and families at Camp Wapo.
Seeds Summer Camp at Camp Wapo (Grades 1-3) is June 20-22. A perfect introduction to camp! A weekend (3 day/2 nights) filled with fun, faith formation, silly games, worship, Bible study, singing, swimming, laughter, and making new friends.
Wapo Weeklong (Grades 4-9) is June 22-27. Campers will experience a place of grace to meet new friends, grow closer to God, and make memories that will last a lifetime. Each day includes Bible study, chapel, cabin activities, free time, field games, campfires, and so much more.
Family Getaway (All ages) at Camp Wapo is July 25-27. Families will come together for faith formation, fun, and family time! Make memories and get to know other Westwood families.
Camp Westwood
Open to campers who are entering first grade through sixth grade! Join us Monday, August 18-Thursday, August 21 from 9:00am-3:00pm!
Learn more and register for Camp Westwood today! Space is limited, registration closes August 1 or when full.