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 Wednesday Westwood U Sessions 

On Zoom 6:30-7:30 PM (Starting September 8)


  • September 8 - Dr. Matt Skinner, of Luther Seminary talking about the Gospel of Mark, our fall preaching series

  • September 15 + 22 - Darrell Jodock will be discussing what is our vocations coming out of a pandemic

Meeting ID: 883 2120 8941


 Text studies by Professor Matt Skinner   every week this fall! 

Matt Skinner, Professor of the New Testament at Luther Seminary, will be sharing a brief background for the Gospel text of Mark discussed every Sunday during worship.  Each week his videos will include a question to be used in our 5 weeks of small groups, which begin the last week of September.  We strongly encourage you to view this whether you’re in a small group or not (and groups could actually watch it together if you’d like), as it will give you important background for the upcoming Sunday sermon.

Each week a new video will be added to the player (above) or a direct link to each of the 5 week videos can be found (below) in the Small Group section.

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 Small Groups 

 Late September through October 

This fall, small groups will run from the week of September 26 through the week of October 24. During these five weeks, small groups will meet once weekly, and the pastors will provide a week-by-week curriculum on the theme 'In a World that's Restarting'.  Each week will incorporate scripture readings with a video, and discussion questions for each group to follow.


Questions, contact Patricia Brusven at ( or 320-226-2695) 

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