Sunday Worship
Sunday Mornings:
9 am* Choir and organ-led music
11 am* Worship Band-led music
*(Livestream options available)
Recordings can also be found on Westwood's Vimeo
site or on the Worship page under "Past Worship Recordings & Videos."
For Westwood sermons on-the-go, listen to the weekly podcast "Real Good Courage" on Apple podcasts or Spotify.

PAUSE Worship
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:15 pm
This midweek worship is a unique and sacred space. People
gather as a community for this contemplative-style worship
and are invited into prayer, reflection, healing, and wholeness.
With candles and low lights, each of us can slow down to breathe,
reflect, and pause to allow God's presence to be within each of us.
Wednesday Evening Worship & Programs
5:00-6:30 pm Community Meal
5:15-6:00 pm Cantemus Choir
5:45-6:05 pm Faithful Families (Early Childhood to early elementary)
6:15-7:15 pm 6th grade Pre-confirmation
6:30-7:15 pm PAUSE Worship
6:30-8:00 pm Parent/Student Learning 7th-9th grade (once a month)
7:30-8:30 pm Worship team rehearsal
7:30-9:00 pm A Cappella Choir
8:00-9:00 pm Senior High Youtherans
Wednesday Programs & Activities:
Sunday Morning Speaker Series

Sessions are between 9 am and 11 am Worship - starting shortly after 10 am.
Events are located in the Westwood Room.
Many Sundays between worship services, Westwood hosts speakers and an educational series for life-long learning called "Westwood U." Speakers and topics will often connect to this year's theme, "Leadership in a Culture of Grace," or our core values. Details, including dates and speakers, are listed below.
(Click here if you need Westwood U for Confirmation students)
If you are unable to attend, most recordings can be found on Westwood's Vimeo site or the Worship page under "Past Worship Recordings & Videos."
January 12, 2025: The Community Partnership Team presents their role, the different Westwood community partners, the Cause of the Month organization, volunteer opportunities available, and whom to contact. Click here to watch the replay.
January 19, 2025: Dr. Sarah Ruble presents "Thinking Like Christians About U.S. History and Racism." This Westwood U has a timely connection to observing Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Click here to watch the replay.
January 26, 2025: Westwood Town Hall - Annual Budget Review
February 2, 2025: Westwood Annual Meeting. This meeting will be livestreamed at 10 am and held in-person in the Sanctuary.
February 9, 2025: Westwood Town Hall - Capital Appeal Update
February 16, 2025: Welcome gathering and introductions for Westwood's new Pastoral Intern Aaron Schutte
February 23, 2025: "Financial Foundations: A Thrivent Workshop on Firming Up Your Financial Health." As part of our Vocation of Generosity, young adult financial advisors from Thrivent will share smart money moves to help you live faithfully and generously into the future. While geared toward those in their 20s and 30s, this workshop offers valuable insights for all ages—bring your questions and a friend!​​