Cedar Lake Road Construction
Updated as of 10/10/24:
** CHANGES** to Route & Access Points to Westwood Lutheran Church
Second Phase of Construction Ends & the Third/Final Phase Begins:
​Cedar Lake Road, from Westwood's west parking lot entrance to Virginia Avenue, will be paved this week. The construction focus for the third and final stage will be Texas Avenue to Rhode Island Avenue.
Road Closure:
During Phase III, the portion of Cedar Lake Road from Texas Avenue to Rhode Island Avenue will be closed.
Driving to Westwood:
The primary access route to Westwood will continue to be Cedar Lake Road from the west / Hwy 169.
While the road to Virginia Ave will be paved, signs reading "Road Closed to Through Traffic" will be posted.
Continue to use caution- electrical and landscaping work will still be taking place on the road.
On the Westwood Campus:
Starting Sunday, October 13 - All Westwood parking lots will permanently reopen with pre-construction traffic flow, including one-way traffic by Door 2.
​Future Updates:
​Look for periodic “Westwood & Cedar Lake Road Construction Update” emails throughout construction. These will arrive when a new phase or change is provided from the city to Westwood.
​We will communicate updates that adjust routes, access points, or getting around the Westwood campus.
Please visit the City of St. Louis Park's website for updates and details on the overall project.
We appreciate your flexibility and patience during the construction project. Thank you!​